The Foundation has been in existence since 1966 and was established for the express purpose of providing opportunities for public works professionals working in local government in Victoria to enhance their technical and managerial skills.
The Municipal Engineering Foundation Victoria (MEFV) provides awards to support the development of public works engineers in Victoria through the provision of opportunities to attend training courses/conferences and by awards for national and international study tours. To date, over 184 engineers from Victorian councils have benefited by travelling overseas on local government research programs.
A major focus of the awards is attendance at the American Public Works Association Annual Congress followed by individual study tours within USA, Canada and Europe. These tours are usually of three to four weeks duration. Other awards are available for short term study visits and short courses within Australia.
The Foundation is very aware of the benefits to the individual and to the local government industry derived from such study tours, in particular the advantages of overseas exposure.
To recognise the major contribution of public works professionals, the Foundation also seeks on a bi-annual basis nominations for the MEF Victoria Municipal Engineering Excellence Award (the Cedric Tuxen Medal) for an outstanding engineering contribution to local government. The award can relate to the career of the nominee or to a significant construction or research project developed and overseen by the particular engineer.
In 2012 the Foundation established the Keith Wood Excellence Award to recognise the contribution made to the Foundation and local government engineering throughout Australia by past Chairman Keith H. Wood AM. The Award is to be presented on an occasional basis to a selected recipient of an Overseas Study Tour who has produced a report of exceptional quality.
Further details on the awards program are available from the awards section of this web site.
Annual Report
For a full report on activities of the Foundation during 2022 and 2023, please refer to the reports by Warren Roberts, Chairman of the Foundation. Chairmans Annual Report – 2022 Chairmans Annual Report – 2023
History – 1966 to 2016
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Foundation, the History of the Foundation from 1966 to 2016 was compiled by past Chairman of the Foundation and IPWEA Emeritus Member, Robin Nuttall OAM. In addition to fascinating insights into the development of the Foundation, the document records details of engineers granted scholarships and awards. A History of the Municipal Engineering Foundation